Wanted: Dead or Alive (and Curious) - A Look Inside My New Gothic Western Novel

Beyond the Gallows Book Cover - Engraved Revolver on Skull and Knife Damask Pattern

"Beyond the Gallows" - A Look Inside

Howdy, partners! Today, I'm excited to give you a taste of my latest adventure, "Beyond the Gallows", a Gothic Western with Romance and a hint of the Paranormal. Saddle up and get ready to ride into a dusty saloon where danger hangs thick in the air.

Deserted Old West Town Street with Wooden Buildings
The Smell of Trouble

The saloon was dark and a welcome respite from the sun and wind. The familiar miasma of sweat, wood, tobacco and liquor teased my nose, offerin’ a calm borne of sameness. This one was much like any other. The bartender was a scrap of a guy, long handlebar mustache nearly outweighin’ the rest of him. He poured drinks quick, though, chatted easily with the fellas who wanted to chat.

A saloon always has its own rhythm - folks talkin’, movin’ around, the usual hustle and bustle of drinks bein’ poured, cards bein’ played. Then somethin’ changes, like the sound in the wood when a predator walks through. The sound drops, the talkin’ dies down like a coyote’s howl silenced by the wind, folks go still, rabbits hopin’ to escape unnoticed.

This one had a friendly card game goin’ on in the corner, men sittin’ easy in their chairs bettin’ pennies for a way to pass the time. Floorboards creaked with movement, the wind outside a quiet roar under it all.

A hazy cloud of dust and tobacco smoke floated, dancin’ around like a ghost stuck at a country dance, ticklin’ the nose. Conversation was a low murmur, an occasional shout from the card game, the bartender takin’ orders and shootin’ the breeze.

Two drinks in, I was savorin’ the burnin’ comfort of whiskey, when the murmur of voices fell quiet. The bartender froze, face turned white, bottle in one hand, glass in another. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. They’d caught me with my back to the door, an’ I cursed myself for a stupid get.

Determined footsteps cut through the sudden hush, headin’ straight for me. I can’t really describe the feelin’ come over me then, because I knew. Things had caught up to me. Was it fear, that energy that comes on you when danger greets you, or relief? Or some strange mixture of it all?

Turned around slow, not wantin’ to spook nobody if it weren’t necessary. Three of them, guns drawn and pointed right at my gut. Jaws clenched, the middle one’s eyes narrowed like a rattler sizin’ up its prey. Always knew this day would come, someone or another comin’ for me. Nothin’ new.

Hemp rope and a short drop. Been waitin’ for it a long time, me and death. Been friends since I was a scrawny kid in that nightmare place they called a home. That first time I’d been choked ‘til everything went black, I woke up a tad surprised every mornin’ after.

Seems like death and I been playin’ a long game of cat and mouse, and this time, the mouse might just be cornered.

Want to read more? 

Will Carter, a wanted outlaw
Cowboy on Black Horse Gazing Out Over Open Field - Beyond the Gallows Character

This scene introduces you to Will Carter, a man with a dark past. He's nursing a drink, seeking solace from the sun and the wind, when three bounty hunters walk in, their guns trained squarely on him.

Justice or Revenge?

Will is accused of cold-blooded murder, but is he truly a villain? Or is there more to the story? The line between good and bad can be as blurry as the desert heat in this unforgiving land.

A World of Grit and Redemption

"Beyond the Gallows" is a tale of redemption, of accepting your past to move on to the future.  Will Carter is on a path where the paranormal meets the dusty road, where love holds the power of change.

Silhouette of Cowboy on Horseback Riding into Desert Sunset - Beyond the Gallows
Who is Montalvo?

The name "Montalvo" hangs heavy in the air. Is he simply a bounty hunter collecting a hefty reward? Or is there a deeper connection between him and Will? This is just the beginning of a thrilling chase where the lines between hunter and hunted become blurred.

Ready to Ride Along?

If you enjoy fast-paced westerns with complex characters and a touch of mystery, then "Beyond the Gallows" is the ride for you. Stay tuned for more. In the meantime, pre-order your copy today and get ready to see if Will Carter can outrun his past...or if his past finally catches up with him. https://linktr.ee/ChristineTellach

Happy Trails!
Christine Tellach

P.S. What are your favorite elements of a good western novel? Leave a comment below and let's discuss!
