Writer's Block? Conquer Title Trouble with These Tips for Westerns and Beyond

Sepia illustration of a lone cowboy riding a horse through a dusty Western landscape, searching for inspiration for his genre-bending novel title.

Unleashing the Inner Word-slinger: Shooting for the Perfect Title for My Genre-Bending Western

Howdy, word wranglers! Ever stare down a blank page, wrestling with the perfect title for your masterpiece? Especially when your story blends genres like a dusty trail meets a ghostly encounter, finding the right hook can feel like a high noon showdown.

Today, we saddle up with the tale of Eli Colton, a gunslinger given a second chance at redemption… with a supernatural twist! But before we explore title options, let's meet Eli:

Black and white sketch portrait of a young, weathered cowboy with a determined expression and piercing blue eyes. A hint of the supernatural lurks behind his gaze, reflecting the genre-bending theme of the story.

A Second Chance in the Old West

Hanged for his violent past, Eli Colton wakes to a second chance. Disoriented and disconnected from the world, he embarks on a quest for redemption and the truth behind his bizarre fate. This ain't your typical western. Partnered with a wise dog named Feather, Eli's redemption trail twists like a desert snake, leading him to a dusty town with unforgettable characters who challenge his hardened exterior. As he grapples with a strange sense of detachment and the possibility of something more, Eli faces a wild ride where justice is blurred, survival is key, and a touch of the supernatural awaits. Saddle up, partners – Eli's journey for redemption begins!

Back to the title shootout

While the story revolves around Eli's quest, choosing the right title goes beyond just summarizing the plot. It lassoes readers searching for specific genres and themes.

A jumble of Scrabble letter tiles spelling out the word "KEYWORDS" sits on a wooden table.
From Curse to Captivate: Exploring Title Options with SEO in

Here are my current title contenders for Eli's story, each offering a different perspective:
  • The Unhanged: A Reckoning in the Old West: This title is slightly longer, but intriguing and mysterious, while clearly explaining the setting.
  • Shadow Rider's Reckoning: This title melds the supernatural ("shadow rider") with the price of redemption, all with a Western flair.
  • Dust Devil's Deliverance: A touch of mystery with "dust devil" hints at the supernatural, while "deliverance" underscores Eli's path to redemption. It fits the Western setting perfectly.
  • Beyond the Gallows: This title sparks suspense about what lies beyond death (supernatural) without being overly specific, and has a strong Western feel.
  • The Second Life of Eli Colton: This straightforward title references the resurrection and Eli's new identity, avoiding Western clichés.
I also considered titles like: Echoes of Lazarus, Lazarus Curse, Redemption Rider, Redemption of Lazarus, Whisper of Redemption, Shadow of the Gallows, Gallows Reborn, Gunsmoke and Grace, Shadow Rider's Gambit

Blurred image of a vintage typewriter with the phrase "WORDS HAVE POWER" sharply focused in the center.
Beyond Lazarus: Crafting Titles That Captivate

As I ponder the perfect title for Eli's story, let's explore some title-crafting strategies to inspire your own:
  • Hook 'Em Early, Hold 'Em Tight: Your title is your first impression. Make it grab attention and spark curiosity about what unfolds within the book's pages.
  • Promise and Deliver: Don't mislead readers with a clickbait title. Ensure the title reflects the core themes and genre(s) of your book.
  • Short and Sweet: Aim for a title that's easy to remember and pronounce, ideally under 10 words.
  • Clarity is Key: Avoid overly complex words or obscure references that might alienate readers.
  • Know Your Audience: Consider Your Genre. Mystery novels might benefit from titles that create suspense, while self-help books might use titles that emphasize a clear benefit.
  • Target Your Readers: Think about the demographics and interests of your ideal reader. What kind of language would resonate with them.
  • SEO Savvy: Consider including relevant keywords that potential readers might search for, but prioritize a catchy title over keyword stuffing.
  • Stand out from the crowd! A unique title can help your book rise above the noise in online searches.
  • Get Feedback: Run title options by friends, family, or potential readers to see which ones resonate the most.  Online polls or social media surveys can help you select the best choice.
  • Consider a Subtitle: A subtitle can be a great way to provide additional information or clarify the genre/theme without cluttering the main title.
  • Readability Matters: Make sure the title flows well and is easy to read aloud.

Dramatic image of an open book with a swirling storm of lightning erupting from its pages, symbolizing the creative energy of crafting a book title.
The perfect title is unique to your story, effectively communicating its essence to potential readers. 

Experiment, have fun, and don't be afraid to seek feedback! Ultimately, the title that sparks your excitement and resonates with your target audience is the one to choose.

Now it's your turn, partners! Share your thoughts on the titles in the comments below:

  • Do any of them particularly pique your interest?
  • What other title ideas would you suggest, considering the supernatural and western elements?
  • What challenges have you faced in titling your own work?
By sharing ideas and experiences, we can all embark on a successful title-finding journey!

Let's use this as an opportunity to not only find the perfect title for Eli's story, but also to equip ourselves with valuable title-crafting strategies for all our future literary endeavors! 

Want to try a Title Generator for ideas?  Check these out!
Happy writing!

Christine Tellach
